Dermato Surgeries - Results Gallery - Aura Skin Institute

Results at 8 Weeks of Vitiligo Surgery

Results at 8 weeks of vitiligo surgery in a patient having stable vitiligo on his leg.

Results after 3 months of Treatment

The lady was suffering from vitiligo or leukoderma and her white patches on nose were treated with Laser Assisted, PRP Enriched Epidermal Suspension Transplant surgery.

Wart Removal

Result after wart removal

Wart Removal

results after Wart Removal.

Mole Removal

Result after 1 month of treatment.

Vitiligo Surgery

Results after 2 months of LA-PEEST vitiligo surgery.

Single Earlobe Repair

Results after 2 months of Surgery

Torn Ear Lobe Repair

This lady had torn ear lobes and was quite troubled because she was not able to flaunt her ear-ring jewellary. We did sutureless ear lobe repair and the results are visible.

Mole Removal

23 Years old actress Radiofrequency ablation of epidermal nevi followed by pixel q switch laser for post inflammatory hyperpigmentation