If you want to maintain the youthful condition of your face, enjoy plumper lips, exaggerated shallow contours (body edges) and decreased facial creases and wrinkles; then dermal fillers are the right treatment for you. They are also famous with the name of ‘Liquid Facelifts’ as they provide some wonderful benefits of a surgical facelift in a very short span of time. These fillers help by adding more volume to the treated area. However, this cure is not permanent. So, you may need to take repeated sittings of this procedure in order to stay beautiful for a long time. This treatment is available at a very reasonable cost at our center, AuraSkinInstitute.

Dermal Fillers Procedure
Fillers are basically the volume-adding biocompatible particles, mainly composed of hyaluronic acid. They are used to improve static wrinkles and folds, like nasolabial folds, glabellar lines, neck folds, accordion lines (smile lines). They even help to increase volume in lip augmentation (enhancement or development), lip wrinkles, cheek augmentation and eye circles and work for the rejuvenation of hands and neck parts; and, at times, they work for the improvement of deformed features, like asymmetry of nose or scar correction. Very fine needles are used to reduce pain sensations and to inject the filler particles to add volume to the desired parts. Nowadays, blunt canulas are also used which cut down the pain significantly. For more sensitive clients, nerve blocks can be given to reduce the painful sensations.
Dermal Fillers Benefits
Dermal filler treatment facilitates an easy solution to decrease the presence of wrinkles. They provide a clear, smooth and clean looking skin which looks very youthful in its appearance. You may see the desired outcomes in a single sitting, quite instantly and this result may last for about 6 to 9 months. Dermal filler injections help to give you a natural looking enhancement which does not affect your facial expressions at all. And, as your face keeps changing over the course of time, so the use of dermal fillers allow you to control your looks in a natural way and help you to bear and reflect a beautiful skin. They even help to revitalize your skin.
Dermal Fillers Treatment in Chandigarh – Why Aura Skin Institute?
Some of the key advantages of visiting AuraSkinInstitute for this treatment are: We use only US FDA-approved products and the procedure is performed by experienced and certified doctors themselves. It is an easy, in-and-out procedure, taking only a few minutes to get completed and giving immediate, very impressive results. These results last for around 6 to 9 months with semi-permanent fillers (Juvederm, Restylane, Perlane, Revanees); and 3 to 5 years with permanent fillers (Rediesse and Sculptra (PLLA).
FAQs About Fillers
Dermal fillers help in restoring youthful fullness to your face by curing the static wrinkles over areas like nasolabial folds, forehead, crow’s feet, bunny lines; or by adding volume in indications like lip enhancement, cheek augmentation or for filling scars and depressions.
Dermal fillers are injectable substances which are formed with a different range of materials that have either human or animal origin or synthetically-produced particles. If you still have any doubts about this treatment, then here is the description of some FAQs and their answers to clear your queries. have a look!!
- What are Cosmetic Fillers all about?
- Fillers are volume adding biocompatible substances most commonly comprising of hyaluronic acid. They can be used to correct static wrinkles or folds like nasolabial folds, glabellar lines, neck folds, accordion lines (smile lines) or to enhance volume as in lip augmentation, lip wrinkles, cheek augmentation, eye circles; rejuvenation of hands and neck and sometimes for correction of deformed features like asymmetry of nose or scar correction.
- Will this treatment suit my skin type?
- Yes, this treatment holds good for all skin types as the filler is instilled deeper into the dermis.
- Do the injections really hurt?
- Very fine needles are used for injecting the filler which minimizes the pain sensation. Nowadays blunt canulas are also being used which cut down the pain significantly. For sensitive individuals nerve blocks can be given thus negating the pain sensation considerably.
- Is the treatment really safe, I mean, any side-effects?
- The hyaluronic acid based fillers are placed high on the safety as they resemble body's own collagen substance. This filler is gradually absorbed from the site over a period of 9 months to one year thus completely reversible. Certain sites like forehead and periorbital areas are fairly vascular and should be addressed only by an expert. You will be called after 10 days for any touch ups, if required.
- How long will the treatment take?
- The procedure time is around half an hour.
- When will I be able to see the results?
- The best thing about fillers is that you can see the results immediately.
- How many treatment sessions will I require?
- After the initial treatment session you will be called after 10 days for any touch ups, if required. This treatment will hold good for next 9 months to 1 year and subsequently, you can take next sitting.
- Will I look unnatural after this treatment?
- No, correction will be based on natural features and it will be understated so as to avoid any drastic and unnatural change in your looks.
- Any information about the Best areas for this treatment?
- Nasolabial folds, cheek augmentation, lip augmentation are the best areas for this treatment.
"The problem with beauty is that it's like being born rich and getting poorer."

Our mantra is to re-juvenate, re-enliven and re-fresh your skin using innovative and revolutionary medical techniques. We, at AuraSkinInstitute, offer treatments that are completely safe & reliable!!! All the Anti-aging therapies, performed under the guidance of expert doctors, can be customized according to your skin type. We don't spare any room for insecurities or worries!! Leave all your inhibitions behind and surrender yourself to our Experts! You will come out completely satisfied!!!
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