Burn scars are the most difficult and most challenging scars to treat. But here at AuraSkinInstitute, we give you a new ray of hope. No, you won’t require the knife of a plastic surgeon to get rid of burn scars, rather we offer you the treatment through the latest Lasers used in combination with topical medications.
All kinds of Burn scars (especially the facial ones) can be improved and treated by using the technique of laser surgery. Lasers are considered the modern day plastic surgeries. This treatment acts by generating a thermal reaction on the distressed area of your skin and cause the coagulation of skin tissues, thereby making your skin look much smoother by lessening your burn marks. Basically, a laser treatment works best for healing the problem of keloid or hypertrophic scars formed after burn injury. These scars occur in raised or more noticeable forms.
We also combine lasers with PRP therapy to improve the outcome of skin modelling and for better new skin formation. This cocktail treatment of lasers plus PRP therapy gives better results than lasers alone and also reduces the number of sessions required for the treatment.
FAQs About Burn Scar Removal
Your skin may suffer from a burn mark out of an accident or any injury, but whatever may be the reason, the new laser technology helps to treat all types of burn marks and scars. The procedure of laser helps to make your scars look less visible and fades them away to a great extent.
At AuraSkinInstitute, we provide you the best laser treatment for removing your burn marks and scars. Most people are often concerned about whether their burn marks will fade or disappear completely or not?? So, here is the list of some important FAQs, to solve your queries, regarding the efficiency of this laser cure and the time required for giving you the best results.
- Will the scar disappear forever?
- The mild to moderate burn scars will become almost imperceptible and severe burn scars will become better by 60 to 70 %. Whatever improvement you will see, that will be permanent.
- How much time will the treatment take to get completed?
- It generally takes 6 to 8 sittings spaced 4 weeks apart; so it will take around 6 months to complete the treatment.
- Are there any side effects of the treatment for Burn Scar Removal?
- Besides the one week healing time following procedure when the skin will turn dark and finally will be shed off, there are no significant side effects. Some patients may notice temporary discolouration of skin which will eventually improves with good sun protection.
- Any other options for this Burn Scar Treatment?
- Different topical preparations are being tried for burn scars containing allantoin, extract cepae, silicon gel sheet and various others but they fail to yield consistent results. But till date, Laser is the best option if you don't want the knife of plastic surgeon!
- Do I need to go for some medication along with this treatment?
- Yes, the comprehensive treatment for burn scars (we call it cocktail therapy) is a unique blend of laser, injectable steroids and topical medicines for synergistic actions and exemplary results.
"We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty."

We are all born with smooth, supple, baby-soft skin. But as we travel through this journey called "life", our skin is subjected to innumerable harsh conditions which can leave premature signs of aging on our face like wrinkles, fine lines and pigmentation. Also there can be birthmarks, tattoo marks or scars left by some diseases or injuries. We, at AuraSkinInstitute are well aware of these concerns and we offer you technologically highly advanced lasers operated by fully trained personnel. So come to us and leave behind all your skin worries!
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