Chemical peels are basically mild acid solutions which are derived from some organic products and are used to improve and smoothen the texture and dyschromia of the skin. These acids are recommended to be applied over your skin for some time, as per the instruction of your doctor. They have the potential to penetrate the deeper layers of your skin. It causes the dead skin to exfoliate and thus helps in reducing the unwanted pigmentation over skin. This also improves the texture of your skin
Chemical peels are used for reducing age spots, freckles and dark patches (due to pregnancy or after taking birth control pills (melasma), treating wrinkles caused by sun damage, mild scarring, certain types of acne and fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth. It’s also used for the purpose of facial rejuvenation to get an instant glow.
Chemical Peel Procedure
It is a simple, easy, in-and-out procedure. Though chemical peel can be done straightway; but it is better if the skin can be prepared first with night time application of retinoic acid based creams 2-3 weeks prior to peeling.
Once skin is primed, right chemical peel is chosen for your skin type. After degreasing the skin with acetone, the chemical peel is applied over your face for a specified period of time or till the appearance of areas of redness over face, which is considered the end point.
The peel is neutralized with neutralizing solution, followed by application of soothing gel and finally a sunscreen over the face. After initial 5 to 6 sittings given over a gap of 3-4 weeks, the patient might require maintenance treatment every 3 to 6 months for long lasting results.
Chemical peels are nowadays being used for a variety of indications like melasma, post-inflammatory pigmentation, acne or pimples, open pores, fine lines, facial rejuvenation and instant glow. These chemicals help to remove the problem of fine lines, wrinkles and blemishes from your skin, especially from the facial area. This treatment is also used to treat the patients suffering from acne scars, stretch marks, skin discoloration and sun-damaged skin.
Why AuraSkinInstitute?
A chemical peel treatment is used to improve and smoothen the appearance of your skin. This benefit is reaped by using a chemical solution which helps to remove your dead skin layers and decrease the problem of unwanted pigmentation. At AuraSkinInstitute, we provide quite safe and cost effective treatment without any risk or complication. You get to see some great results by achieving a smooth and glowing skin. The chemical peels that we generally use are Glycolic acid peel, Strea forte and Agera peel (SLC).
FAQs About Chemical Peels
Chemical peel treatment brings back a youthful appearance and glow to your skin. It helps to peel away the dead skin layers and reduce the problems of skin discoloration, aging lines and wrinkles. The chemical peels used here even help to promote the production of skin collagen and elastin, which reduces the distresses of aging, freckles and dark patches (which often occur due to pregnancy or after taking birth control pills). These also help in erasing the problem of wrinkles caused by sun damage, mild scarring or some types of acne and fine lines around the areas of eyes and mouth. If you still have doubts, then here is the description of some important FAQs and their answers. have a look!!
- What are Chemical Peels?
- Chemical peels are mild acids derived from organic sources. These acids when applied over skin for a recommended period of time; have ability to penetrate to deeper layers of skin. Once inside the deeper structures these peels have ability to improve pigmentation problems and to produce textural changes, thus rejuvenate skin.
- What conditions need Chemical Peels as treatment?
- Chemical peels are nowadays being used for a variety of indications like melasma, post-inflammatory pigmentation, acne or pimples, open pores, fine lines, facial rejuvenation, instant glow and to some extent for scars and stretch marks too.
- How is a Chemical peel performed?
- It is better if the skin can be prepared first with night time application of retinoic acid based creams 2 to 3 weeks prior to peeling. Once skin is primed, right chemical peel is chosen for your skin type. After degreasing the skin with acetone, the chemical peel is applied over your face for a specified period of time or till the appearance of areas of redness over face, which is considered the end point. The peel is neutralized with neutralizing solution, followed by application of soothing gel and finally a sunscreen over the face.
- How much time does the treatment need to recover?
- Usually chemical peel is followed by microscopic shedding of dead cells meaning there won't be any visible changes over the face. Sometimes there is visible peeling of fine layers of skin which lasts for 2 to 3 days.
- Are the results permanent?
- After initial 5 to 6 sittings, one needs maintenance sittings every 3 to 6 months depending upon requirement for more long lasting results.
- Any side effects in the long run?
- No, chemical peels are safe procedures when done by an expert. Infact, they have rejuvenating or antiaging qualities over long run.
- Can I have other cosmetic treatments along with Chemical Peels?
- It is best to avoid salon procedures like bleaching and facials while undergoing chemical peels.
"The problem with beauty is that it's like being born rich and getting poorer."

Our mantra is to re-juvenate, re-enliven and re-fresh your skin using innovative and revolutionary medical techniques. We, at AuraSkinInstitute, offer treatments that are completely safe & reliable!!! All the Anti-aging therapies, performed under the guidance of expert doctors, can be customized according to your skin type. We don't spare any room for insecurities or worries!! Leave all your inhibitions behind and surrender yourself to our Experts! You will come out completely satisfied!!!
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