Periorbital hyperpigmentation is a problem which is characterized by dark circles around your eyes. In addition, it can be associated with puffy eyes/eye bags or sunken eyes. The skin around eyes is fragile and devoid of underlying supporting subcutaneous tissue, leading to fragile blood capillaries which leak blood into this area and result in periorbital pigmentation and puffy eyes. A lifestyle modification is of utmost importance. Stress plays havoc in this condition and sleep deprivation, long working hours (especially before computer screens), lack of balanced diet and anemia further aggravate this problem.
Periorbital Pigmentation Treatment Procedure
Here, at AuraSkinInstitute, we tackle this persistently annoying problem with topical medications, arginine peels, fillers and laser. We have world-class pixel Erbium laser technology to get rid of this pigmentation. When laser rays are targeted over this area, body stimulates healing response to this injury and new collagen and supporting tissue is formed. This results in strengthening of blood vessels and lesser leakage, thus in-turn takes care of pigmentation and puffy eyes. And if you have sunken eyes, then these are treated with fillers.
FAQs About Periorbital Pigmentation Treatmen
Periorbital hyperpigmentation manifests as dark circles under your eyes. In addition, there can be puffy eyes or sunken eyes. It is becoming a very common problem due to today’s highly stressful and flamboyant lifestyle. One of the prime reasons of stress is working for long hours without taking quality breaks and meeting the deadlines. Here is the description of some of the main FAQs and their answers to clear your doubts and queries regarding this treatment. Have a look!!
- What is this treatment all about and how does this work?
- The skin around eyes is fragile and devoid of underlying supporting subcutaneous tissue, leading to fragile blood capillaries which leak blood into this area and result in periorbital pigmentation and puffy eyes. When pixel Erbium laser rays are targeted over this area, body stimulates healing response to this injury and new collagen and supporting tissue is formed resulting in strengthened blood vessels and lesser leakage, thus in-turn takes care of pigmentation and puffy eyes.
- How much time does it take?
- Each sitting takes around 15 minutes and 3 to 5 sittings placed at a gap of one month each are required for best results.
- Is it recommended for all skin types and colors?
- Yes, the pixel Er:YAG laser treatment is safe for all skin types and colors.
- Will it hurt me or do I have to suffer from any side effects later on?
- Since the area is sensitive, so laser procedure is slightly more painful at this site as compared to other sites. Pain can be lessened with topical anaesthesia cream. No serious side-effects or complications are noted post-treatment, however some patients may get redness and inflammation over the treated area which is self-limiting and settles overnight. Ice compresses may be applied to the treatment areas to speed up recovery and to make you more comfortable.
- What if I discontinue the treatment, all of a sudden?
- There are no side effects of discontinuing the treatment all of a sudden. All you need to do is use the sunblock regularly. Whatever improvement you have seen with previous sittings will stay minus the routine aging process.
"The world's biggest power is the youth and beauty of a woman."

At AuraSkinInstitute, Cocktail Therapies stand for a unique blend of various medical treatments for a glowing youthful skin, including removal of Pigmentation, Periorbital Pigmentation, Acne or Pimples and Facial Rejuvenation. Our experts won't let you complain of any discomfort or inefficiency during the treatment! Go through every detail, mentioned here and prepare your mind for the treatment you need. You have the right to know everything, after all its your skin, your looks, your money!!!
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