Facial rejuvenation is the treatment to enhance glow and texture of your skin, mainly the facial area. This is one of the most fascinating, but challenging arena of cosmetic Dermatology. It works by decreasing and diminishing the marks of aging. Facial rejuvenation method is suitable for any person who starts noticing the signs of aging on face. It is the new age non-surgical facelift boon!!
Here, at AuraSkinInstitute, you have an access to some exciting and innovating methods to improve the texture of your face and tone it wonderfully. This benefit is reaped through the use of various chemical peels, botox, dermal fillers, mesotherapy and lasers.
Our latest Pixel Q-switch laser has completely revolutionized the process of facial rejuvenation. The high point of this unique technology is that it is virtually painless with zero recovery time. The entire procedure takes only 15-20 minutes. And in no time, it gives you smooth, youthful and glowing skin free of pigmentation, open pores and fine lines. And you can enter straight into a party and flaunt your vibrant skin, without letting anyone notice the procedure you have undergone minutes before!
FAQs About Facial Rejuvenation
As the name of this treatment suggests, facial rejuvenation, it’s used to rejuvenate the dead skin layers of your face. The choice of therapy for facial rejuvenation depends upon the age of the person, tone and texture of the skin; and the status of wrinkles-whether dynamic or static. Many a times, a combination of these techniques works best for an individual. At our center, you are given the option to choose the treatment which suits your skin type or condition and budget, too.
If you have any doubts regarding this treatment, then here is a list of some important FAQs and their answers. It will help you to clear your queries. have a look!!
- What is Facial Rejuvenation all about?
- Facial rejuvenation is improving the glow and the texture of your skin and diminishing the signs of aging by means of laser rejuvenation, chemical peels, botox or fillers etc.
- What are its benefits?
- The benefits are healthy and younger looking skin and more confident you!
- Who needs it the most?
- Any person, who has just started noticing the signs of aging on his face, is the most suitable candidate in terms of results and longevity of effects. However the procedure can be taken up and offered in perfect blend to older individuals as well where aging has already set in.
- What is the course of the treatment?
- Course of treatment is tailor-made for each individual and customized as per requirement.
- Is this better than the surgical face-lift?
- This is the new age non-surgical facelift. Here you have the flexibility to choose the treatment best suited to your skin condition and budget. Most of the procedures are lunch time procedures and you don't need to be absent from duty for your treatments. And above all you don't need to live with the ugly scars of surgical facial lifts.
- Are there any contraindications or restrictions?
- If a person comes with active Herpes, the laser treatment is delayed till healing is complete. A person allergic to components of botox or fillers cannot take these treatments. The treated skin has to be kept well hydrated with good moisturizers and the patient should follow “no sun, no soap” regime for one week. A sunscreen with SPF-50 every 3 hourly is a must for the desired results.
- What is the recovery time?
- Recovery time for laser rejuvenation with Er:YAG laser is 7 days. While latest "Pixel Q-switch 1064" laser is virtually painless with zero recovery time and you get instant results.
- For procedures other than Er:YAG laser, there is no recovery or down time.
- Any differences, if a male undergoes this treatment?
- Yes, modification will be required as each treatment plan is tailor-made or customized as per the skin type and requirement. In males, we need to increase the fluence or energy being used for laser as they have coarse skin in comparison to females. Also the more number of units of Botox is required for heavier muscles.
- Will it hurt me or cause any side-effects on my skin?
- While botox and fillers are well tolerated and generally regarded as painless; Er:YAG laser done for facial rejuvenation feels like snapping of rubberband. The pain sensation is subjective; well tolerated by some and unbearable for others. For sensitive individuals we suggest numbing gel or topical anaesthesia one hour prior to procedure which reduces the pain sensation considerably. However the latest "Pixel Q-switch 1064" laser is virtually painless with zero recovery time and you get instant results.
- No serious side-effects or complications are noted post-treatment, however some patients may get mild redness and inflammation over the treated area which is self-limiting and settles overnight. Ice compresses may be applied to the treatment areas to speed up recovery and to make you more comfortable.
"The problem with beauty is that it's like being born rich and getting poorer."

Our mantra is to re-juvenate, re-enliven and re-fresh your skin using innovative and revolutionary medical techniques. We, at AuraSkinInstitute, offer treatments that are completely safe & reliable!!! All the Anti-aging therapies, performed under the guidance of expert doctors, can be customized according to your skin type. We don't spare any room for insecurities or worries!! Leave all your inhibitions behind and surrender yourself to our Experts! You will come out completely satisfied!!!
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