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Pre-Bridal Treatments: Finding Your Fit

Pre-Bridal Treatments: Finding Your Fit

Preparations to look absolutely stunning on the big day start months in advance, and one of the preparations that one dives into head first is pre-bridal beauty treatments. Treatments such as acne removal, skin-brightening, blemish reduction, hair smoothening and straightening, body hair removal via threading or waxing are offered by beauty salons all over the world.

What we fail to see when we opt for these treatments is that they focus only on the superficial- they do not engage in treatments which help the body heal from the inside. We could say that they do not find a cure for the issues that need rectification; instead, they concentrate on doing away with the symptoms.

Take acne for example. Breakouts are a symptom of an improper diet, hormones being out of balance, or even a dirty pillow or mask. A salon will help “cure” breakouts by offering treatments such as facials with products that are available over the counter, not necessarily effective in the treatment of acne, but effective in hiding it for a period of time.

A dermatologist, on the other hand, will prescribe treatments which may consist of entirely topical medication, a change of diet, or procedures involving the use of lasers amongst many more.

The point that we are trying to drive home here is that when considering treatment for skin complications, one should consult a dermatologist rather than opt for run-of-the-mill salon treatments.

Another reason why it is always prudent to consult a dermatologist instead of heading to the local salon is that a dermatologist is a trained, educated professional who does not offer “quick-fixes”. The use of a dermaroller, if you are considering it, is best handled by a dermatologist. Dermaroller treatments by untrained professionals may lead to skin damage, excessive bleeding, and wounds on the skin that may not heal properly. Under the supervision of a doctor, this treatment produces highly effective results.

Even dermaplanning, if not done by a trained professional, can lead to cuts and formation of bruises along with exposing the skin to the elements, causing further deterioration.

Pre-bridal treatments may be called as such, but they are not just for the bride. Grooms who wish to look stellar on their wedding day may opt for some of these treatments/procedures as well. Aura Skin Institute offers a variety of treatments for the brides and grooms who wish to enhance their appearance.

Let us talk about a chemical peel to set the ball rolling. It is basically a mild acid solution which is derived from some organic products and is used to improve and smoothen the texture of the skin along with combating dyschromia. It is recommended that these acids be applied over your skin for some time, under the supervision of a doctor. They have the potential to penetrate the deeper layers of your skin. It causes the dead skin to exfoliate and, thus, helps in reducing unwanted pigmentation over the skin. Chemical peels are used for reducing age spots, freckles and dark patches called melasma (which may occur due to pregnancy or after taking birth control pills), treating wrinkles caused by sun damage, mild scarring, certain types of acne and fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth. It is also used for the purpose of facial rejuvenation to get an instant glow, making it a much sought after pre-bridal treatment.

Laser skin rejuvenation and resurfacing is another wonderful treatment offered at the Aura Skin Institute. Fine lines, wrinkles and dark under eye circles alongside other troublesome conditions like vein removal, rosacea, telangiectasias, hemangiomas, sun damage, dyschromia, melasma, poikiloderma and angiomas can be treated through this procedure. You may check these issues off your list because we take care of skin resurfacing and rejuvenation treatments effectively, making you look better and more beautiful. The procedure of skin rejuvenation is often called “laser peel.” It stimulates the formation of new skin cells and the removal of the damaged outer layers of skin.

Aura Skin Institute has introduced India’s first i-pixel, ablative laser for skin resurfacing and rejuvenation. It gives you smooth, youthful and glowing skin free of pigmentation, open pores and fine lines. Aura has also brought the latest fractional, non-ablative skin resurfacing innovation – Pixel Q-Switch Laser, for the first time in the country! Its revolutionary technology delivers controlled, pixilated laser beams at the proper depth in the dermis without harming the overlying epidermis/outer skin. It is virtually painless, takes only 15-20 minutes and has zero recovery time. Think of it this way- you may walk into a party, a gathering or a meeting merely minutes after undergoing this procedure! Thus, this laser is a blessing for those who want instant skin-brightening results and have no time to go for other time consuming aesthetic procedures. This also makes it the perfect pre-bridal treatment. We know that wedding planning takes a while. Therefore, such quick and short treatments are great options for the modern bride, and even for the modern groom!

The SSR 540 and Clearlight 420 lasers very effectively take away imperfections like acne, redness and other brown spots from the face. It adds vibrant glow on the face instantly, so there is no risk of any downtime if you plan to attend an important event immediately after the procedure.

Aura also happens to house state of the art ‘Exilis 360 ultra’ technology working on skin and fat layer, through which you can rejuvenate and sculpt any part of your body. Infact you can take 8-10 years of age reversal with this machine and Dr Suruchi Garg has filed a patent on this face lift procedure where you can take away the requirement of fillers for volumisation and utilize your own drooping fat planes for anti-aging! Interestingly, this is again a lunch time procedure and you can go back to your workplace without any tell-tale signs!! Imagine an anti-aging procedure which does not utilize any fillers or toxins and helps you repose your fat planes and makes you look more youthful, refreshed and above all completely natural!     

So, if you wish to enhance your skin before your wedding, these treatments are going to help you in many ways. An ideal candidate for this laser skin improvement technique is someone who holds realistic expectations and is ready to discuss any laser skin resurfacing and rejuvenation concerns at the time of consulting with the doctor.

Certain anti-ageing treatments such as face lifts and thread lifts are also options for brides and grooms who wish to you a few years younger on their special days. These treatments require a longer time to take effect. So, if you are considering any of these treatments, do keep in mind that the procedure should be conducted at least 3-4 weeks before the wedding. The Instant Thread Lift offered at Aura Skin Institute is a procedure that takes about 20 minutes, and has its results lasting for 18 months to 24 months.

Aura Skin Institute wants you to focus on bringing about wellness from within. A good diet, enough sleep and exercise are elements which make both, the mind and the body healthy. Ageing is delayed when one is active and gives importance to nutrition.

Every treatment that you may consider will be more effective if you take care of your health. A glow that appears from within cannot be replicated despite all the lasers and surgeries the world has to offer.

So what are you waiting for…! Book an appointment for your customized pre-bridal skin treatments at Aura Skin Institute!