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Loss of vaginal tone and sensation can happen as a common side effect of vaginal childbirth, menopause and ageing. The collagen fibres in the vaginal wall get loosened and stretched with age. This leads to loss of elasticity and tone of vaginal opening as well as vaginal wall. It is also common to have stress urinary incontinence following vaginal delivery as the pelvic floor muscles are also affected. It causes leaking of urine during sneezing, coughing, exercising etc. This is often a cause of embarrassment and low confidence and quality of life in women. Dryness, itching, burning, painful intercourse can occur. Unwanted pigmentary changes and loosening of outer tissue and labia is seen.

There are but few methods to address female intimate health issues. Surgical procedures like vaginoplasty, labiaplasty, hymenoplasty, perineoplasty etc. and non surgical procedures like radiofrequency based devices are helpful.

What is BTL ULTRA FEMME 360?

BTL Ultra Femme 360 is one of its kind, quick, easy, safe, non surgical procedure with zero downtime to help with feminine intimate health issues.  It is the fastest radiofrequency device with shortest treatment time require. It takes around 20-30 minutes for the whole procedure and has no downtime, so the patient can seek the treatment during lunch hours and go back to work.

BTL Ultra Femme 360 is the only device of its kind providing complete vaginal rejuvenation along with vaginal wall tightening as well as remodeling of labia.

How does BTL ULTRA FEMME 360 work?

ULTRA Femme 360 consists of two different attachments for vaginal canal and outer labial area. For treating the vaginal area, the specific attachment is used which is inserted into the vaginal canal. Radiofrequency is transmitted through this to the vaginal mucosa. During the treatment of labial area, the vulvar area is heated with the radiofrequency. This leads to stimulation of collagen synthesis and increased blood supply to the local area which helps in rejuvenation and heightened sensitivity. Localised thermal energy causes disruption of collagen fibres and their breakdown. This stimulates the natural healing process to lay new collagen fibres and increases blood supply. 

Moreover it helps with tightening of perineal floor. Tightening of the anterior vaginal wall also provides added benefit of improvement in stress urinary incontinence.

Thus BTL Ultra Femme 360 provides overall intimate wellness for females in following ways:

  • Tightening of vaginal canal
  • Improvement in stress urinary incontinence
  • Tightening of introitus
  • Tightening of perineum
  • Plumping of labia majora
  • Lifting and firming of labia minora
  • Increased blood flow to clitoris
  • Heightened sensitivity and improved orgasm

 The procedure:

One can choose the area to be treated, either vaginal canal or labial area or both at the same time.

For treating the labial area, a bland gel preparation is first applied. The area is then heated up using the attachment for labial area. The probe is gentle moved over the vulval area. For vaginal canal the attachment is changed and the probe is then inserted inside the canal. Gentle warming is experienced during the procedure. There is no pain or irritation. The heat is adjustable so in case of discomfort it can be easily reduced.

Each session lasts about 20 minutes. Usually a treatment of three to four sessions spaced one or two weeks apart is recommended for optimum results. The improvement may be perceived after the first session itself and it keeps building for one or two months. Annual maintenance sessions can be taken.

Pre procedure instructions:

  • Maintain good hydration. Drink plenty of water.
  • Eat healthy and nutritious.
  • Shave the hair in perineal area. Clean and wash the area properly.
  • Normal gynecology exam or normal PAP smear done within a year.
  • Inform the doctor about any chronic illness or medication if you are on any.


  • Postpone the appointment if you are on your period.
  • The treatment takes around 20-30 minutes.
  • Inform the doctor providing treatment in case the heat is uncomfortable. It is easily adjustable.

 Post procedure instructions:

  • Proper hydration and healthy food.
  • There might be some dryness or in few cases some redness or swelling in the treated area for a few days.
  • You can be prescribed some pH balanced hydrating gel to be applied in the area.
  • Refrain from sexual intercourse for 3 days post treatment.
  • Light physical exercises can be done.


  • You have an inserted pacemaker, internal defibrillator or metallic implants.
  • You are pregnant or immediately 6 months after delivery.
  • You have some infection in the area to be treated.
  • History of radiation therapy taken in the area to be treated.
  • Inform the doctor about any chronic illness or medication if you are on any.

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